Sunday, January 17, 2021

Q woke me up & taught me to dig, God showed me how to change the circumstances.


Years ago I started to question what the media said. It started with Trump. I wanted to know if he was the creep they showed him to be. After doing my own research and finding him not to be what they TOLD me he was I began to doubt the media. I also had a friend that was involved in an event, THEY WERE THE EVEN, that the media reported... ALLL LIES. So that started my research on conspiracy theories. My husband would study video proof on conspiracy theories for years I just ignored the videos he watched I did not believe them. However after my findings of Trump and hearing from a friend on how the news media twisted their story I dug my heels in and began to TRUST what I dug up more than what the media said. The more I dug the more I discovered we had been lied to and manipulated for YEARS! About 15 years ago I fasted TV and never went back. I could FEEL the stress when I watched or listened to the radio or TV. When I quit TV I found out my stress level went from 80% fearful to 10% cautious. TV was brain washing me into looking for certain symptoms pains or expected sickness and possible dangerous events, and made me accept what they reported as facts and normal and to be expected! Then I discovered Q)))) and I learned WHAT to research I learned how it was connected. My eyes were open to see just how  corrupt our government was and what the MSM was presenting as fact were simply a narrative based on WHAT they wanted us to believe. As I did my own research I begin to see money laundering and fake business, who was behind what “charitable” origination and what they REALLY were doing with the money. I learned to find out about their character by  studying  death certificates and see who married who, what they were interested in, supported, or promoted, their social media accounts and what they posted and what was important to them. I learned how big pharma, was in BUSINESS of making money and not health. That they created more pills to give you when you had a reaction from the first pill! They do not what you healthy they want you to cover symptoms not find the root. Health does not make money and is not a continue cash flow. Thus began the study of the inoculations again a big money making business! More inoculations more health problems more money making answers.  Next I dove into the “missing children” a crazy number of kids disappearing. WHY? Money again, corruption again. I won’t dive into that truth right now. But if I was to invest into a ministry it would be human trafficking.  I checked out “organ harvesting” amazing to see how China has and ON demand organ transplant service the LARGEST in the world.  On another subject, I learned how MOST things that APPEAR to be accidents ARE NOT they are COVER UPS. A lot of the events that destroy buildings are cover ups or murders of natural healing doctors, whistle blowers, or witness. Pay close attention to news events of murders, but especially of buildings blowing up, hit by airplanes…. Hint, find out what was housed in that building and who benefits most if it was destroyed? Then ask yourself, where do they work? Who are they married to? What is the blood line…. Aunts, brothers and so and what are they involved in? What do they promote, support or know. IF you watch the news that is how you should watch it. THEN – you take authority, decree and command over the situation, events and people.

Q woke me up and taught me how to dig, But God showed me how to change the circumstances. We have the PLAN and we are the NEWS and we are the ANSWER.  Fight the fight by standing in your identity as a child of God,  CHANGE THE OUTCOME!


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