Monday, January 11, 2021

Military intelligence has exposed the operation to take over the USA


Kenneth Hagen prophecy Kenneth Hagin prophesied this in 1987! 1987 Prophecy by Kenneth Hagin Yeh! I looked. I looked. I looked and I saw the hearts of men and, oh, they were disturbed and perplexed. And I saw a black dark cloud rise up from the eastern part of our nation, and it came out of the capital of our nation and men responded unto that darkness that arose and walked with it. And that darkness began to envelope this very land, but oh, oh, the hearts of many that know God sensed in their spirits and those of us that stand on the horizon of time shall sound forth a word of warning. And so there shall arise the mighty ones, those called of God, separated unto Him, and they shall make intercession and the light shall shine and drive back the darkness, the evil and wicked men shall fall. And there will be those (And remember it was told unto you in advance. It was told unto you years in advance.) There shall be those in high places who will fall down dead and some shall say: “Oh, they would have made such a great leader. I cannot understand.” But those who know the voice of the Spirit shall rejoice and be glad for ye shall know the dark, that darkness, has been stayed and the hand of the enemy has been defeated. MORE NEWS Insurrection Act has been signed, The day we have all been waiting for January 10, 2021 by keichri _________________________________________________________________________________________ Publish Your Christian or family safe book for only $399.

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