Sunday, January 3, 2021

ARE the required to dispose of hazardous material happening in COV-19??? NO cause it is the FLU...

Michael C King
As an RN, I have certain ways I am required to dispose of hazardous material, including any and all protective equipment (PPE) when I leave the room of a patient with a contact, droplet, or airborne isolation communicable disease.

Covid-19 is a droplet-virus.

Why is it we are told to wear a “face covering” (with no minimum threadcount or density of weave at all, when scientifically that actually matters) and there are no new regulations about how to dispose of or properly clean or disinfect them?  After all, if this is such a deadly disease in spite of the >99.5% recovery rate, why are there not guidelines on disposal of PPE?  We’ve had 10+ months to figure this out and there is not a single guideline in place for the public.  That’s not “trusting medical science”—-that’s absurdity of the highest order.  If we don’t properly dispose of PPE then we just spread a disease and the PPE is of no effect.  If we were attempting to keep the world protected we would also teach people how to clean themselves before re-entering their vehicles and/or home so as to not bring infectious particles to the rest of the family.  You will observe *none* of that occurring.

How about the grocery store?  How many hands touch the fruit, the other items on the shelf, the keypad all without anyone cleaning them in-between?  People can mill about randomly throughout the store and yet restaurants have super-stringent requirements they have to meet while stores have very few.  Logically speaking, the store is going to be the place more people will get sick due to higher traffic and people touching everything, not a restaurant, but that’s not how the “medical professionals” treat it.  In fact, how is it that we are suddenly protected from Covid when sitting in our seat at the restaurant but we are in danger while walking through the place, when the same ventilation system circulates air throughout the entire building??

It’s *almost like* a bunch of bureaucrats made a bunch of nonsensical and pseudo-scientific rules that make no actual sense when it comes to the spread of disease.

They have closed off certain entrances to stores so we can only enter one way and have to exit another—all the while passing each other in aisles, touching the same products, and breathing the same air—air of which we then have to breathe longer and which also requires us to spend more time in the store due to weird entrances, blocked off pathways, and limited exits—and anyone knows that the longer one is in a public place around *actual sick people* (not the potentially-sick-but-actually-healthy-people that comprise the exceeding vast majority of everyone masking up—people who aren’t sick so can’t get anyone else sick) the more exposure you will have.  If this was about managing a disease they wouldn’t be blocking off exits and changing pathways in the store.  They would be wanting people out of there as quickly as possible, not the other way around. But that’s actual science for you, and the actual facts of the situation that all of these “prominent scientists” somehow constantly ignore when my Masters-degree education and 15 years in the nursing field tell me this is a huge load of BS.

And that doesn’t even begin to make me ask question like “how have the yearly influenza numbers all magically morphed into Covid numbers and the flu cases are through the floor, and why is the yearly mortality in the US about the same as it is every other year if this disease is*so deadly*?” 

This is the stuff scientists should be required to answer with actual rational information before repeating one more time that we need to mask or distance or whatever other ridiculousness as though we are total idiots and believe their BS.  We’re not stupid. We’re not falling for it.  No one wants to get sick and no one is suggesting we should randomly infect the public.  But if I am not sick (and I’m not) it is physically impossible for me to infect others with the disease I *don’t have* that is no more deadly than the yearly flu as evidenced by national death rates—and that doesn’t even get into the MASSIVE insurance fraud that has been committed by labeling knowably non-Covid deaths as Covid deaths.  I’m curious to know when insurance companies are going to decide to start fighting that one in court—because they’d likely win and win big and a LOT of medical professionals would be in jail for insurance fraud.

I’m wondering when they are going to stop treating us like idiots—which will probably only be when those who are blindly following all of this nonsense and who actually believe it makes sense wake up and realize we are being lied to.  Unfortunately, truth isn’t always as persuasive as fear . . . So it may take a while.

Have a blessed day



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