Sunday, November 8, 2020

What is Happening in What State with the Election.


Here are the fact about the voting.

 No news media can call a president.
 Water marked Ballots- Alex Paden of "Office of voting register Tech Assessment" released information that the DHS water marked CA Poppy tinted background Red color pms192 watermarked on BOTH stub and the ballot. According to to Election Code of 13002 CA of reg  Title 2 section 20-15, 20-18, 20-20.


Here is how the cheating went on:


MSM called early states influencing voting and public perception of the election= disinformation.

 DUMBS between 3:30am-4:30am voting for Trump and NOT ONE for Trump - Statisticly impossible.

Arizona- 20,000 votes for Biden that should have been for Trump.

 Georgia- illegal  ballots in many county’s and will be counting for WEEKS.

Nevada-50,000  provisional  ballots (When they is questions about the person’s eligibility) several lawsuits going on.  They are 90 days out. They changed many laws on voting in a rush to beat the elections. Big mess.

 Pennsylvania – Had 80,000 to 105,000 outstanding provisional ballots. (When they is questions about the person’s eligibility).  The POLL WATCHER were not allowed and blocked from viewing EVEN after the court commanding them to let them see. Many overseas and military ballots not in yet.  The voting turnout was saturated, NOT NORMAL. Also Ballet Curing -changing a ballot that seems to have an error.

Wisconsin- illegality

In a study of Statistics, economics, conclude that it is matthamathicly impossible for Biden to have the turn out he did in Wisconsin. It is 0.00000189% or 1 in 52 MILLION. They had a record amount of OVER 90 YEAR OLDS VOTE during a pandemic suspicious! Also they had 14,000 DEAD people show up to vote in Wayne county.

Also there appears to be a glitch that gave Biden 800 vote and took 800 votes away from Trump while on live TV. This has turned  up in several place. ( Look up Hammer and Scorecard weapons of mass voter fraud) Scorecard tampers with computers at transfer points of state election "FLIPPING VOTES. The SCORECARD hack into elections and steals vote. ( Fl, GA, TX, PA, WIS, MIC, NV, AR)

Information came from Bitchute X22Report Episode 2321b "The Sting Operation has Begun" ( voting info) and other sources

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