Sunday, October 4, 2020


Important Tips you Should Know BEFORE you Publish

Today is a treasure of tips on many hints that add up to making your book successful on the market that you need to do BEFORE you publish your book.

You have written a book now what? There are many things to think about and prepare when you are getting ready to publish a book, whether you are doing it the self-publish route or having someone else publish your book for you. Using a Mind map may be helpful to get all your thoughts and resources together. Today is a treasure of tips on many hints that add up to making your book successful on the market that you need to do BEFORE you publish your book.

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Self-Publishing Best Seller, Hints, Tips & Interviews PODCAST 

Robin Bremer is a Best-Selling Author, a publishing coach and a Business Developer. She has written over 50 books and published and promoted many other author’s books to the “best sellers” status. She got her start by paying almost $2,000 to publish her first book, she also had to paid $12.00 a book and buy a box of books. This is the same story of many other authors! After publishing her own books for years her passion is to help other authors be successful in writing, publishing and promoting. She does this through her podcast “ Self-Publishing Best Seller, Hints, Tips & Interviews” We will be sharing about how to: Write Publish Promote Products Kindle Print Platform Social Media and MORE Also author interviews 
Join our Exclusive Content for only $4. a month and get the SHOW NOTES to our weekly show. To be a podcast guest as an author contact Robin at 
 To subscribe to the podcast, “Self-Publishing Bestseller Tips Hints & Interviews“ 
 To subscribe to our show Exclusive Content for only $4. A month go to: 

 TO PUBLISH YOUR BOOK for only $399 or $499 for a picture or color book, GO TO:

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